Useful Resources / Forms...

Please find a list below of some useful resources / forms etc that can be used to help with the running of the various sections within your group, or for activities with the district. If you think anything else could be added to the list, then please contact us.

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Useful Line to Download

Scoutbase Forms Index:
AA (Adult Appointment) Form:
CS (Cancellation/Suspension) Form:
RF (Reference) Form:
Young People First (Yellow Card):
Parental Consent Form:
Minibus Certificate:
Nights Away Notification Form:
CRB Guidance:
Good Service Awards Form:
Adult Role Review form:
Association's factsheet about the new requirements that  have now replaced Home Contact :


Leader Training

Training Matrix:
Training Module Completion:
Training Advisors Guide:
Adult Training Workbooks:
Adults Personal File:
Validation summary form:
First Aid Requirements:

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